April 25, 2021
Watch: Conversations on Caste and Race
May 28, 2021Publish with ISS

The ISS Book Series will be part of the ISS way of extending and deepening and focusing conversation about issues that matter. The success of the venture will depend on your willingness to contribute. ISS asks all of you to consider contributing to the series.
There will be two tracks for the series:
Track ONE: this will involve publication of volumes that advance the Annual Meeting-themed Seminar sessions. So as it was the case that the 2021 ISS Annual Meeting Seminar was “Constitution” the first volume to be published in the Seminar series will be on this topic. You are invited to contribute an essay on this theme. You may elaborate on issues you broached at the Meeting. And whether you attended the Meeting or not you may contribute an essay from scratch, as it were. I hope with your contribution and involvement and support to establish the series as a recognized significant project of ISS that will model high-level transdisciplinary focus on compelling issues and problems. I think there is much at stake in such a project. The venture will work only if you are involved. (As you will note with the accompanying information here and on the website we shall need, if we want to advance project, to have your submissions on a schedule. So please do your best to help move things along, especially as we get things underway.)
Track TWO: you are invited to propose and submit a manuscript–on any topic pertinent to ISS interests. Proposal and submission are welcome at any time.
You are also invited to contribute to the ongoing Scripturalizing Here and There project that is published in the online journal The Abeng. With this project we expect you to describe and analyze as you wish scripturalizing dynamics, performances, events, and so forth. Submissions welcome at any time.
Call for Papers
1. Book Series
Track I: Part of Volume on ISS Themed Seminars, to be part of New Book Series
- 20-25 pp
- Theme–“Constitution”
- (can be elaboration on your thinking/contribution to matters from Annual Meeting; or from scratch)
- First step–submit proposal (1-2 pp): by July 1, 2021
- Essay Due (20-25 pp): by December 1, 2021
Track II
Manuscript on any topic
- submit any time
2. SHT Project for publication in The Abeng
- submit paper on any Scripturalizing phenomenon or event or dynamic
- not more than 15-20 pp
- submit any time
submit to :admin@signifyingscriptures.org