The Abeng (A-beng) refers to a kind of animal horn used in the African diaspora to facilitate communication within communities of maroons
An online forum for articles, essays, creative expressions, seminar proceedings, critical reflections and analyses, interviews about projects and ongoing work, and individual and collaborative research pertaining to the agenda and commitments of The Institute for Signifying Scriptures—viz., having to do with the “work we make ‘scriptures’ do for us,” or an expansive critical studies orientation to the complexities of discourse and power.
Meaning of Movement, Movement of Meaning; Or, Reading Darkness as Marronage
Click here to read The Abeng (vol.6, suppl 1, 2024)
Vol. 5 (2022)
- “People Make the World Go ‘Round”; Or, How We Constitute Realities
- Book Review: Mary Anne Franks, The Cult of the Constitution (Stanford UP, 2019)
- What is a “Constitution”? Which Constitution?: Brief Framing Remarks
- What Work Does It Do? What Are Some Implications and Ramifications of Its Work(ings)?
- Continental Formation
- On Scripturalization: The Cases of Guatemala and Mestizaje
- 1619 vs. 1776: Dueling Scriptures
- High Noon: Carl Jung, the Inner Divinity
Click here to read The Abeng (vol.5, no. 1, 2022)
- “Who Counts?”: Scripturalization as Classification
- Scripturalizing Here and There
- Inner Resources, a brief submission
- Scripturalizing (Digital) Data
- Bloodstain-Pattern Analysis
- Mission Hills Christian Church: A Buoy for some ‘Nones’
- Atlanta’s Cyclorama
Click here to read The Abeng (vol.4, no. 1, 2020)
Vol. 3 (2019)
- “They’re ruining the game”: (Mis)readers of the Nation-state
- A Conversation with Tommy J. Curry What Has Athens to Do with Jerusalem? U.S. Biblical Place Naming as Scripturalizing
- Roundtable: The Institute for Signifying Scriptures and Biblical Studies
- Remediating Scriptures: HTML as a Culture of Canon
- Scripturalizing Here and There – Volume I
Click here to read The Abeng (vol 3, 2019)
- “If the president does it…it’s not illegal…”: The Modern Nation/State as the Scriptural
- Reflections on the Second Annual Meeting
- Journaling the Body into Nature: Audre Lorde’s Poetic Transgressions of Environment’s Scripture
- Scripturalization of Whiteness: Roots of US Nationalism in Colonial British Exceptionalism
- Estampa
- Book Reviews
Click here to read The Abeng (vol. 2, 2018)
Inaugural Issue (2014) Feature interview with ISS Director, Vincent L. Wimbush conducted by Charles H. Long. Read interview by clicking here