
July 9, 2016

Announcing the First Annual Meeting of the ISS

The ISS has announced its first full participation seminar to be held in Portland, OR, from February 18-20, 2016. The topic for the inaugural seminar is “Meaning.” Please visit our Event page for further information and to register. If you have any questions, please email […]
July 9, 2016

Routledge Releases Latest Edition of the Scripturalizing the Human Project: The Written as the Political

by Kima Lalruat Scripturalizing the Human: The Written as the Political (2015) advances the work of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures (ISS) by exploring multiple sites of scripturalizing practices as reflectors of social formations. Each essay in this edited volume focuses on a discrete historical […]
July 9, 2016

ISS Annual Meeting Announcement – 2016

INSTITUTE FOR SIGNIFYING SCRIPTURES FIRST ANNUAL MEETING THE KENNEDY SCHOOL PORTLAND, OREGON FEBRUARY 18-20, 2016 The ISS announces and extends invitation to all interested and curious parties to its first Annual Meeting, organized as high-level dynamic trans-field and trans-disciplinary seminar. The seminar is to be […]
July 9, 2016

ISS Annual Meeting 2016 – Program

The 1st Annual Seminar of the ISS is organized around the topic “Meaning”—what it is; why and how and by whom it is constructed and represented; how it is communicated and represented; how it is communicated and maintained (and upended); and the ongoing issues and consequences […]