An Interview with Anthropologist James Bielo, ISS Founding Board Member
July 9, 2016
Lalruatkima Responds to the Huffington Post’s Recent Article on the Legally Enforced Rape of Two Indian Women
July 9, 2016Routledge Releases Latest Edition of the Scripturalizing the Human Project: The Written as the Political

Scripturalizing the Human: The Written as the Political (2015) advances the work of the Institute for Signifying Scriptures (ISS) by exploring multiple sites of scripturalizing practices as reflectors of social formations. Each essay in this edited volume focuses on a discrete historical situation—Coptic diaspora, inkface, Ark Encounter LLC, among others—to analyze the contours of human constructions via scripturalizing. The analyses underscore the contours—whether and in what ways scripturalizing determines the shape and politics of each instance of social formation.