April 27, 2021
The ISS Book Series will be part of the ISS way of extending and deepening and focusing conversation about issues that matter. The success of the venture will depend on your willingness to contribute. ISS asks all of you to consider contributing to the series. […]
April 25, 2021
In the wake of the court proceedings and jury decision regarding the killing of Mr. George Floyd, a friend of many years asked me what thoughts I had. He had in mind more specifically whether I thought that any real changes might now be set […]
March 10, 2021
Scripturalization:Discourse, Formation, PowerNew Series at Lexington/Fortress Academic This new book series aims to model for our times a new kind of scholarship—creative, disciplinarily transgressive, intellectually and politically interruptive. It is committed to radical excavation of the psycho-politics and -logics, the dynamics and mimetics/performances, the perduring […]
February 1, 2021
“Scripturalizing Here and There” is a collaborative project to analyze any/all accessible human/social dynamics in terms of scriptural social psychologics and politics
January 16, 2021
Why is the mimetically scriptural presumed to be good, asks Vincent Wimbush in this response to the Religious Studies Project’s interview with Richard Newton on “Roots as Scripture and Scriptures as Roots.” Read more at: https://www.religiousstudiesproject.com/response/scripturalization-and-the-performance-of-scriptural/
October 11, 2020
IN MEMORY OFAND IN GRATITUDE TOCONSTANCE H BUCHANANWHO AS SENIOR PROGRAM OFFICER, FORD FOUNDATIONWAS FIERCE SUPPORTER AND FRIEND OFISS https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/10/04/metro/constance-hall-buchanan-pioneering-leader-womens-studies-religion-harvard-dies-73/