December 18, 2021

Scripturalizing from the Senate Floor

Warnock’s Senate speech on Voting Rights is stunning, masterful in many respects. (Shows among other things what has always been the potential of–and high hopes for–radically free Black preacher rhetorics. And on the floor of the U.S. Senate, no less!)  Many points can be made about […]
August 9, 2021

“Masquerade: Scripturalizing Modernities Through Black Flesh”

“Masquerade: Scripturalizing Modernities Through Black Flesh,” the exhibition, is open to all online. Click on the image/link to browse: This exhibition invites the viewer to consider how we produce and make use of “scriptures” understood broadly as cultural discourse and media. This means seeing scriptures […]
March 21, 2018

Third ISS Annual Meeting (2018)-summary

Friends and members of ISS gathered in Fort Worth (TX) over the weekend of February 22-24, 2018, for ISS’s Third Annual Meeting. Organized around the theme “Interpreters: Who They Are; How They are Formed; The Work They Do; and the Consequences”, attendees built upon previous […]